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National Personal Injury Law News

The injury law firm of Robert Brown Law is based in Miami, Florida and able to help the injured throughout Florida and the entire country.

Roundup Cancer Case First to be Tried in St. Louis County

All eyes are on the Roundup trial currently underway in Missouri, the first Roundup cancer case to go to trial since the U.S. Supreme Court rejected an attempt by Bayer to dismiss thousands of Roundup claims. The trial is notable, too, for its location – St. Louis County – where Roundup-maker Monsanto was founded and had its headquarters for years. Despite seemingly incontrovertible evidence that glyphosate may increase the risk of cancer in exposed individuals, Bayer and its Monsanto subsidiary continue to fight back against former users who have been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. If you or someone you love has suffered from cancer and you believe Roundup exposure to be the cause, contact Robert Brown Law as soon as possible. Bayer has already paid out billions in damages to plaintiffs in the massive Roundup litigation, and you, too, may be entitled to compensation for your alleged Roundup-related injuries.

Roundup Use May Cause Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

Roundup is a glyphosate-based herbicide developed by Monsanto in the 1970s and widely used for both residential and commercial applications. In fact, most homeowners across the United States have used Roundup at least once to kill weeds in their yard or garden, and many have used the weed killer regularly for years. Roundup is known to be effective as a broad-spectrum herbicide, designed to kill broadleaf weeds and grasses by targeting an enzyme essential to plant growth. However, research has shown that the chemicals in Roundup, most notably glyphosate, may also have an adverse effect on human health. In fact, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) declared glyphosate a probable human carcinogen in 2015, and since then, considerable evidence has emerged linking the chemical to an increased risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a cancer that starts in the white blood cells.

As of May 2022, Bayer has paid nearly $11 billion to resolve approximately 80% of the Roundup litigation.

Lawsuits Involving Claims that Roundup Causes Cancer

Because of its ubiquitous use, Roundup may pose a serious health risk to farmers, agricultural workers, landscapers, and home gardeners alike. Since Bayer acquired Monsanto in 2018, the biotech giant and its subsidiary have been hit with thousands of lawsuits filed by people who blame exposure to Roundup at home or at work for their cancer. As of May 2022, Bayer has paid nearly $11 billion to resolve approximately 80% of the Roundup litigation. In total, Bayer has reached settlement agreements in more than 100,000 Roundup cancer claims. However, the company still faces tens of thousands of lawsuits filed in state courts across the country, as well as another 4,000-plus claims that are still pending in the federal Roundup multidistrict litigation (MDL) in California.

Contact Our Compassionate Roundup Cancer Attorneys Today

In this latest Roundup trial in St. Louis, three plaintiffs in their 60s and 70s allege that prolonged exposure to glyphosate in Roundup caused them to develop non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and that Bayer and Monsanto failed to adequately warn the public about this significant risk. If you or a loved one used Roundup regularly at work or at home and you have since been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, do not hesitate to speak to our Roundup cancer attorneys about your legal options. The Roundup litigation will continue to grow as more lawsuits are filed by Roundup users who have recently been diagnosed with cancer and by those who have yet to be diagnosed. Our attorneys know how difficult a cancer diagnosis can be for victims and their loved ones, and we are standing by ready to help you find out whether you may be eligible for compensation from Bayer and Monsanto.

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