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National Personal Injury Law News

The injury law firm of Robert Brown Law is based in Miami, Florida and able to help the injured throughout Florida and the entire country.

Baby Formula NEC Lawsuits Accuse Manufacturers of Negligence

In response to emerging evidence regarding the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) among premature babies fed cow’s milk-based baby formulas, a growing number of lawsuits brought against Abbott Nutrition and others allege that the formula manufacturers were negligent in selling and marketing formula products that could cause this potentially fatal condition. Our baby formula NEC attorneys at Robert Brown Law are committed to representing the parents of premature babies who were fed cow’s milk-based formulas like Enfamil or Similac in the NICU or at home and developed or tragically died from NEC. Contact our firm today to discuss your legal options with our dedicated legal team.

Increased Risk of NEC Among Premature Infants

There are currently more than 100 lawsuits pending in the baby formula NEC multidistrict litigation (MDL) in the Northern District of Illinois, as well as lawsuits filed in state courts. Each of these lawsuits involves similar allegations that Abbott, the maker of Similac, and Mead Johnson, the maker of Enfamil, knew or should have known about the risk of NEC associated with their formula and fortifier products and had a duty to warn parents, caregivers, and healthcare providers about this risk, but failed to do so. NEC is a serious and potentially life-threatening gastrointestinal condition occurring primarily in premature infants. In babies with NEC, the intestinal tissue becomes inflamed and dies, causing a hole to form in the intestine. Bacteria can leak through the hole into the abdomen or bloodstream, leading to serious adverse health consequences or death.

A growing number of lawsuits brought against Abbott Nutrition and others allege that the formula manufacturers were negligent in selling and marketing formula products that could cause NEC.

Research Draws Link Between Baby Formula and NEC

Scientific studies dating back several decades have demonstrated that premature infants who are fed cow’s milk formula are more likely to develop NEC than those who are fed human breastmilk. In fact, one study published in 1990 found that exclusively formula-fed infants were six- to ten-times more likely to develop NEC than those fed breastmilk alone, and three-times more likely than those fed a combination of formula and breastmilk. Researchers in another study published just last year concluded that “infants who receive formula are at increased risk for transfer [to a tertiary care NICU for concerns of] suspected NEC compared to those who receive pasteurized donor human milk (PDHM).” Despite these compelling findings, formula manufacturers like Abbott and Mead Johnson continue to market their products as safe and beneficial for premature infants, with no warnings about the potential risk of NEC.

Contact Robert Brown Law Today for Legal Help

Necrotizing enterocolitis is currently the leading cause of death from gastrointestinal disease among premature infants. And as more and more parents of pre-term infants learn about the increased risk of NEC associated with bovine-based formula products, the number of baby formula NEC lawsuits brought against the makers of Similac and Enfamil will continue to grow. If your premature infant developed or died from NEC after consuming Similac or Enfamil, you have legal rights. Contact our skilled and compassionate product liability attorneys at Robert Brown Law as soon as possible to find out how we may be able to help you hold Abbott or Mead Johnson accountable for your child’s suffering.

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